Let today, 2/25/2024, be known as the day I've declared a Vendetta against this computer, and Celsys software, for the corruption/destruction of the timelapses of these two projects. Both of these entities are beneath my utter contempt and have earned their place in the Baraz Kron: the Book of Grudges.
Seriously, I hate this computer for corrupting several days of work, and nearly corrupting the image file itself. Words cannot express my sheer anger, nor my desire to punish someone or something for this insult.
Day 16, we got the cute little alien uniforms and some reflections planned here and there. But unfortunately my mind was a million miles away today so we didn't get far.
this is why I'm reverting back to retro gaming: this machine is as trustworthy as a journalist.
You'd think I'd be able to pour my malice into the book page, but no, that did not happen.